We educate students at elementary, middle and high schools about the good and bad that come with social media. We help parents understand the impact that smart phones and social media can have on children. We work with school administration and provide an ongoing curriculum that can be used in their schools and classrooms.
Our teams LOVES to be in front of students! Each presentation we bring to a school will be catered to the needs of their students. Not all communities have the same major issues. Cyber bullying may be more prominent than pornography in an area. While we touch on all issues, we are able to focus on what’s most important to you.
Our teams LOVES to be in front of students! Each presentation we bring to a school will be catered to the needs of their students. Not all communities have the same major issues. Cyber bullying may be more prominent than pornography in an area. While we touch on all issues, we are able to focus on what’s most important to you.
Although we are not a faith based organization, we have team members who are passionate about sharing the “life is looking up” message paralleled with their faith in God.
Become a “LOOKING UP CAMPUS”! Our team of licensed therapists are working on a curriculum that will be user friendly and benefit students, parents and administrators. We are committed to following up with the schools after a presentation. We want to know how your students are doing and if there’s anything else we can do to be helping them LOOK UP. We will provide a short video each week that will be a reminder to the students of what they felt we we were there in person and encourage them to keep LOOKING UP.
We are reaching out to schools in all communities and providing them information about our Looking Up program.
Emily T -- Mountain Heights Academy